The National Agricultural Policy (NAP) envisage that “Private sector participation will be promoted through Contract Farming and land leasing arrangements to allow accelerated technology transfer, capital inflow and assured market for crop production of oilseeds, cotton and horticultural crops”
Agricultural production is dependent on different initiatives/system viz., Individual, Cooperative, Corporate and Contract Farming. Most of our farmers are practicing the individual farming system in which the individual farmer’s efforts to procure quality inputs, secure finance/technology, market the produce are at stake. The farming community particularly small and marginal farmers require empathy from all those concerned in agricultural development – the Government, financial institutions, input suppliers, technocrats, marketing agents, extension workers etc., because they face many problems.
Financial Planning is very relevant and important for all of us, who are in search of happiness. It helps us to achieve the desired goal.
India is a land of savings. Actually, the culture of savings, which is deep rooted in Indians, saved our country, during real economic crisis. This is one important reason, why India was not adversely affected by the global recession during 2007 to 2010.
It is rightly said that “Becoming wealthy is not a matter of how much you earn. It is a matter of managing your money properly”.
It may be possible that our parents and grandparents may be ignorant about various investment opportunities available. However we need to be aware of various investment opportunities.
With respect to achieving our financial goals, we should remember that Proper planning prevents poor performance. Hence there is a need for planning.
Why Financial Inclusion?
Though the banking industry has shown significant improvements in all the areas relating to financial viability, profitability and competitiveness, there are concerns that banks have not been able to include vast segment of the population, especially the underprivileged sections of the society, into the fold of basic banking services.
Unrestricted access to public goods and services is the sine qua non of an open and efficient society.
As banking services are in the nature of public good, it is considered that banking and payment services be made available to the entire population without discrimination.
What is Financial Inclusion?
Financial Inclusion is delivery of banking services at an affordable cost to the vast sections of disadvantaged and low-income groups.
Financial Inclusion has the potential to lift the financial condition and standards of life of the poor and the disadvantaged.
The faith of the people in the financial sector was shaken due to the crisis faced by the countries in Europe and America. When we look back, we can make out the reasons for this happening.One reason that emerges is the failure of the bankers to play their role effectively.
Therefore, it is very important for every banker to understand his/her role. The role can be better appreciated, once we understand the basics of banking.
In any business longstanding relationships are built on the basis of trust. For that the goals and objectives of any organization are broken down into sub goals and activities to be performed by each individual in the organization.
Since the days of Aristotle, democracy has been the ideal of political philosophers. Since the French Revolution, government of the people, for the people and by the people through their chosen representatives has been the ideal form of government for all nations. Democracy, according to George Bernard Shaw, is “a social order aiming at the greatest available welfare for the population and not for a class.”
We cannot think of a world without newspapers. This is especially true in the case of the modern educated man, who cannot enjoy his morning breakfast unless he has the morning’s paper before him either in print or in digital form.
The world moves so fast, events happen so quickly in every sphere of life that keeping in close touch with the latest developments has become a pre-requisite for success. One must be posted up-to-date if one desires to make any progress in life.
-Media democracy is a set of ideas advocating for reforming mass media and developing and participating in alternative media and citizen journalism.
-Media democracy cannot exist if private player take charge of all media.
-Government media players also not doing well.
-Women are exposed by media. This should not happen.
-Concentration of media firms in a few hands is not recommended.
-In India, press is free but media democracy is not there.
-Make media councils in every State.
-Terrorism is a big problem
-Terror mastermind killed by SEAL commandoes
-9/11 and 26/11 are etched in the memories of people
-Terror elements know no religion or values
-If Kashmir is made a separate state, serious International conflict will erupt.
-Godhra (train) and Akshardham temple were attacked.
-The citizens of the world must unite to eliminate terrorism.
In April 2013, when the bomb blasted at the end of Boston Marathon, killing and injuring many people, United States of America was once again jolted by the ugly force of terrorism. Similarly, bomb blasts at Hyderabad in March 2013 and near BJP office in Bangalore on 17th April 2013, have shown that the terrorists are very active.
-Expansion of financial, trade and business activities across borders is called Globalization.
-Started in 1980s.
-Market efficiency increase and competition plays healthy roles in global markets.
-Four aspects of globalization are – trade, capital movement, people movement and spread of knowledge and technology.
-Gaps between rich and poor nations increasing despite globalization.
-Gaps between rich and poor within a country increasing; this is a cause of concern.
-Average income increased but it is not evenly dispersed across societies and nations.
-This trend would contribute despite its negative features and limitations.