Organic Living
Title: Home Remedies
Author: Tarla Dalal
Publisher: Sanjay & Co., Mumbai
Year: 2008 Pg. 136 Rs.89/-
Home remedies have been effectively used for thousands of years in the treatment and prevention of illness. For generations, we have been using herbs from our kitchens, farms and forests to reduce pain, heal wounds and cure illness.
For many centuries, India’s wide variety of herbs, spices and plants have played a great role in the accumulation and advancement of ancient medicinal knowledge. They are becoming increasingly popular again because they are easily available at low cost and there are no side effects. When compared to modern/ allopathic medicines that can greatly weaken the immunity system in due course of time, home remedies have and added advantage i.e., they help our body mechanisms to fight disease.
The people living in modern cities are exposed to continuous chemical bombarding, from infancy to old age. The use of home remedies can check this unnecessary and dangerous synthetic drugging which could develop resistance to antibiotics from over use and un-ethical use, thereby making them ineffective when actually required.
Title: Dadi Maa’s Home Remedies
Author: Dr. Rajeev Sharma
Publisher: Manoj Publications, Dariba Kalan, Chandni Chowk, Delhi 110006
Published in 2014 (9th Edition), Pg: 160 Rs.100/-
For centuries, grand mother was the Doctor in every house. For any ailment, she had a remedy. And, those remedies were curing many health disorders quickly.
When I was in 8th standard, one night I had terrible stomach pain. Then, a grand mother by name Kalyaniyamma, who was our neighbour, came with dry fruits of soap nut. After grinding the fruits in water, she smeared the paste to the dip in the centre of the belly (Kibbotte in Kannada). Within 15 minuted the pain vanished!
They are such simple remedies that any one with the primary knowledge of these remedies can practice them confidently. The ingredients for preparation of the home-medicines are mostly available in the kitchen itself. So, by simply knowing the proper use of these remedies, we can keep ourselves healthy, even in today’s fast life. They are effective because their roots lie in Ayurveda.
This book presents home-remedies for hundreds of health disorders, which bother us in day-to-day life. It also gives properties of very popular herbs which are part of every kitchen.
First 13 chapters of the book, listed below, provide disorder-wise information:
Diseases and Juicing
Head Disorders
Stomach Disorders
Organic Food for Improving Quality of Life
By Addoor Krishna Rao
President, Organic farmer Consumer Forum
You can easily make a survey among your relatives, friends and residents of your locality, about their health condition. The findings will be an eye-opener. You will find that many people are suffering from a variety of health problems, decreasing immunity and cancer.
Organic Farmer Consumer Forum, Mangaluru is known as Savayava Krishika Grahaka Balaga, Mangaluru in Kannada language.
Poison-free vegetables, fruits and grains
“Whether they are available? If yes, where?”
-This question was repeatedly coming up in the discussions in our groups of friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbours. Finally, some of us in Mangaluru (Karnataka State, India) decided to take a concrete step forward to start “Poison-free Food Movement” (Visha-mukta Ootada Battalu Aandolana).
That is how Organic Farmer Consumer Forum (OFCF) was established on 4th May 2014 at Mangaluru by a group of 20 like minded people who are concerned about the problems faced by the farmers in carrying on agriculture and the consumers in getting poison-free food. Addoor Krishna Rao was elected as Founder – President of the Fourm.
In the name of OFCF (Savayava Krishika Grahaka Balaga in Kannada), we decided to conduct various activities with the following two objectives:
To provide a platform:-
>To the farmers to sell their poison-free farm produce directly to the consumers
>To the consumers where they can purchase nutritious and poison-free farm produce including vegetables, fruits and food grains.
To achieve the two objectives, OFCF decided to conduct:
(1)Sunday Sales and
(2) Various Awareness Programmes