Book: Gardens

Title: Gardens

Author: Laeeq Futehally

Published by: National Book Trust, India, New Delhi

Pages:92            Rs.60/-          First Edition: 1978,   3rd Edition: 1997       Reprints: 4

Gardens are said to be “lung spaces of crowded cities”. Keeping that in view, in this standard book on gardening, the author makes an attempt to discuss some of the considerations in laying out and developing a garden like social, aesthetic, horticultural and environmental. These have to be carefully balances by those whose responsibility is to create satisfactory environments in our country.

However, the book does not deal with the many-dimensional problems faced by those in charge of laying out and maintaining public gardens in India. It is not a handbook of horticultural information.

The book contains 8 pages of colour-photos and 24 pages of Black & White photos with foot-notes to drive home the issues presented by the photos. It also contains useful insights for domestic gardener.

The author is an ardent nature lover and freelance writer. Her life-long interest in garden design found fulfilment when she was in charge of landscaping and planning the two gardens of Powai and Vihar near Mumbai.