Book: Bibliography of Medicinal Plants of India

Title: Bibliography of Medicinal Plants of India

Authors: Magadi R. Gurudeva & S.N. Yoganarasimhan

Publisher: Divyachandra Prakashana, Papanna Garden, Bangalore

Year: 2009          Pages: 1024          Rs.1,000/-

Medicinal plants research in India has gained prominence during the last three decades. At the same period, the number of journals publishing information on medicinal plants has increased all over the world. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the research workers to keep track of the work carried out. Important reason for this is the inaccessibility of the journals; Consequently, many research workers are repeating the research carried out earlier.

Keeping this in view, this bibliography attempts to provide updated information till the year 2007 on work carried out in the fields of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants of India including some exotics/ introduced/ naturalised species.

The Bibliography contains information about 1521 species, distributed over 851 genera. The names of the plants are arranged alphabetically. For each plant, the correct name along with author citation is given in bold letters, followed by important synonyms, if any, in parenthesis. This is followed by author’s name, arranged alphabetically, year, full title of paper as mentioned in journal, name of journal with volume, issue and page numbers.

It is a useful reference book, particularly for those engaged in research in Ayurveda and medicinal plants of India. Index of Botanical names of the plants is given at the end.