Title: Tasty Eating for Healthy Living (5 volumes)
Author: Sanjeev Kapoor
Publisher: Popular Prakashana Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Year: 2010 Pg. 72 (each volume) Art Paper Rs.1,495
Every Sunday morning, for over 15 years, Sanjeev Kapoor hosted the popular cookery show, “Khana Khajana”, in the TV channel. He has shared hundreds of great recipes and shown millions of viewers how to prepare that perfect dish.
“Tasty Eating for Healthy Living” contains following 5 volumes:
1.Soups, Snacks and Starters
2.Main Course Veg
3.Main Course Non-Veg
4.Cereals & Breads, Dals & Kadhis, Pickles & Chutneys
5.Salads, Beverages & Desserts
In these volumes, Sanjeev Kapoor has put together a collection of his best-loved recipes. This book is for all - whether you are an accomplished cook, a lover of good food or a novice taking your first steps in cooking.
There is something from every Indian regional cuisine including Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali and South Indian. And a range of Mexican, West Asian, East Asian and Continental dishes!
The second volume titled “Main Course Veg” presents the ingredients and method of preparation of 43 dishes along with the benefits. Every dish is nutritious, as also delicious and easy to cook. The volume describes the many mouthwatering options for a vegetarian main course available to the health-conscious eater. The recipes are from across the length and breadth of the country including Capsicum Kayras from the West coast, Chorchori from the East, Baghare Baingan from the South and Achaari Gobhi from the North.
Today’s fast-paced lifestyle leaves most people with little time to sit down to a meal leave alone think about what they eat. Meals are gobbled on the go, with no regard to their nutritive content.
Keeping that in view, Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor shares the story of how he transformed his life by following a healthy diet-and-exercise regimen. Not only does the collection have scores of recipes for healthy eating, it also tells us how to keep fit through, simple exercises and small changes to our lifestyle.
It also has a section on “Healthy Diet for every stage in life”: Infancy, Weaning, Childhood, School-going age, Teenage, Adulthood, Pregnancy and Lactation, Menopause and Old age.